I am delighted to welcome you to the prestigious Department of Nursing Sciences of the University of Nairobi on behalf of the faculty and staff. To the students who come from outside the capital city and Kenya, I wish to welcome you to Nairobi. The Department of Nursing Sciences is one of the departments of the Faculty of Health Sciences. Over the years, the programs of the department have expanded to include Diploma in Renal Nursing, BScN upgrading courses, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing.

As a department, we are proud of our national and international reputation in producing high-caliber clinical nurse practitioners, educators, managers, and researchers who are highly respected and hold high status in society. The department is located within Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH) campus and comprises four Thematic Units. These are Administration and Education, Community Health Nursing, Medical–Surgical Nursing and Midwifery, and Obstetrics nursing. We commit ourselves to promoting our school and the more significant university values of academic excellence.

We believe that passion for nursing changes lives and therefore encourage our students to reflect on the care they provide. In the words of Virginia Henderson, a renowned Nurse theorist on whose principle nursing in Kenya is based, we emphasize that our graduates provide care that reflects the unique function of the nurse and care that, they themselves would like to receive as consumers of the nursing services.

At the end of your studies, we encourage you to join our alumni and maintain the network through which we share our great experiences and growth in all aspects of our lives. Best of luck with your studies. I am hopeful that your time at our school will be great.