Dr Emma Matheka : Thematic Head 2021-Date
Dr Lucy W Kivuti-Bitok- Thematic Head 2014-2021
Prof. Anna Karani - Former Head of Thematic Unit 2008-2014
The Department of Nursing, formerly the School of Nursing Sciences was started in 2004 with a director and it had four (4) Thematic Units as follows:
- Medical Surgical Nursing
- Community Health Nursing
- Administration and Education Nursing
- Midwifery and Obstetrics Nursing
Before that (previous history) nursing was a department in the faculty of medicine which started in 1968 with diploma in Advanced Nursing which trained registered nurses. In 1992, the department started training Bachelor of Nursing Sciences (BScN) until 2004 when Masters of Science in Nursing (MScN) was started. The MScN comprised of most specialties in Nursing under different thematic areas.
The academic members of staff were 14 and they were distributed according to areas of specialization. Each Thematic area had 3 staff members except Medical Surgical which had 5.
In 2009 one of the Admnistration/Education Thematic member passed on and she was never replaced to-date. The students were approximately 160. The student population has since then grown to 540 BScNs including the upgrading programme . MScN has 40 students and PhDs about 10.
A certificate course in counseling was started in 2003 facilitated by Prof. Karani and over 300 health worker graduated from the progamme.
MScN programme facilitated by Prof. Karani started in 2004 and over 50 graduates has gone through the programme while about 10 did education and administration. Thematic Head has also supervised 6 PhDs to completion and 4 are ongoing. Mrs Bitok has also been part of University of Nairobi ISO 9001 Champion and is also pursuing a PhD .
The staff has published widely on peer reviewed journal articles, books, chapters, manuals among other publications. This also apart from core functions of : Teaching, research, community service and consultancy services.